About SAFE
What is SAFE?
SAFE stands for Shelburne Alliance for the Environment. SAFE is a group of residents in Shelburne who support the town’s goals of protecting Shelburne’s environment and rural character as described in the town plan.
How does SAFE work to protect Shelburne’s environment?
SAFE members gather and share information with Shelburne’s town committees and boards, state representatives, and residents. We also study and share success stories from other Vermont towns that have successfully balanced development with conservation goals.
How is SAFE organized?
SAFE has a steering committee that meets regularly and the group’s members pick timely projects of greatest interest, including natural environment protection, housing development that prioritizes open space, land use and government, and communications.
How can I get involved?
SAFE welcomes new members who treasure Shelburne’s natural beauty and resources. Here are a few ways to participate:
Join our listserv to learn about SAFE’s events, upcoming meetings and current issues and projects.
Attend a meeting of the SAFE steering committee. We meet at the following times and all are welcome:
10 a.m. the first Tuesday of every month on Zoom
10 a.m. on the third Tuesday of every month in the Living Room at the Pierson Library
Attend a meeting of the Select Board, the Planning Commission, or a town committee to voice your thoughts and show support for a current issue that relates to Shelburne’s environment.
As part of a coordinated effort with other members of SAFE, email (or contact by other direct means) members of the Select Board, the chair of the Planning Commission, the town zoning administrator and/or the town manager.
Express your support for environmental issues that SAFE is working on by posting your views to FPF or social media or writing a letter to the editor of the Shelburne News or the state representatives and senators representing Shelburne in the Vermont legislature.
Where can I get more information about SAFE?
More information is available at https://www.safe-shelburne.com/home. If you have questions, please email us at ShelburneSAFE@groups.io.